What is EROS Tantra?

Eros tantra is the path of unconditional self-love. It pertains to matters of the heart and expands one's capacity to feel love, deep fulfilment and interconnection with all things. It is a path of sacred inner marriage, facilitated by mysterious heart awakening practices.

True eroticism comes from the heart, therefore Eros tantra is a contemplation of Divine Love, which both includes yet transcends romantic and sexual love.

The embodied experience of abundance comes from the resonance of unconditional love. Therefore, embodying Sacred Eros can magnetise us to a path of deep and everlasting fulfilment, which is ultimately a path of limitless abundance.


Eros tantra is a path of self-realisation that seeks to expand consciousness through heart-healing. This means becoming more anchored in our physical bodies and cultivating present moment awareness through the senses, as we let go of subconscious emotions and thought patterns, that serve as a barrier to unconditional self-love.

The ultimate goal of tantra is to unify our human nature with our divine nature. This sacred union is symbolised in various esoteric traditions by the ritual union between a God and Goddess. It represents the need to marry our inner Divine Masculine and inner Divine Feminine energies, so that we can reach unity consciousness and experience our interconnectedness with all things.

This mysterious practice of sacred inner marriage is an act of alchemy facilitated by the power of the kundalini, which is a subtle bio-energy that rests at the base of the spine. When aroused, it moves up the spinal cord towards the brain as an ecstatic energy triggering states of bliss and euphoria as well as a heightened state of awareness.

As the kundalini moves through the glandular system in the body it can trigger heart-opening for trauma release and the transmutation of emotions that no longer serve your highest good. Through this cathartic process, we can experience a greater sense of vitality and awaken our creative potential, as we better connect with our inner life force.