I am a Somatic Bioenergetics (Tantra) Practitioner specialising in the art of inner alchemy. I help clients to rewire their nervous system for abundance, by unlocking their unique blueprint for heart-expanding magnetism and inner harmony. This involves the use of various embodiment practices grounded in quantum entanglement. 

I hold a BSc in Biomedical Sciences from Royal Holloway, University of London, and an MSc in The Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses, from Imperial College London. After a stint in the corporate world, I moved to North Wales in 2015, where I spent over 3 years immersing myself in psycho-spiritual practices rooted in the mystical sciences of esoteric Christianity and ancient Egyptology.

I was initiated into the world of quantum physics and the cosmological sciences when I experienced a kundalini psychosis in 2018. I took it upon myself to heal on a root-cause level, by training in a number of holistic medicine modalities, including Somatic Bioenergetics (Tantra). 

My unique approach to Tantra offers a rich synergy that blends ancient wisdom with embodied ancestral knowledge, which is rooted in the revered art of Nubian ecstatic embodiment. This creative tapestry serves as a foundation for self-discovery, empowerment, profound connections and the move towards a unified and harmonious way of living, within a clinical framework.